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Performing Arts 5678


"I wanted to reach out and share some thoughts after yesterday's recital, having taken a day to let everything sink in. When I saw you, I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't find the words to speak, worried that you might have to comfort me. Instead, I just froze. Dance recital day is always a day full of emotions for me as it was a huge part of my life growing up. It was amazing to see my girls experience this. 


The leap from the dress rehearsal to the polished performance of the recital was incredible. The meticulous attention to detail, the music selections, and the choreography really blew me away.  Your dedication throughout the year and your incredible energy in performing every dance truly amazed us. My girls couldn't believe how Miss Jessica was dancing non-stop! Johanna even mentioned that now you can finally take a rest on Mother's Day. Meanwhile, Violet was too overwhelmed with emotions and was hysterically crying after the recital, sad about missing everyone despite my reminders that she'll see you again at camp.


What my girls have gained by joining PA5678 is amazing. It was evident with Jo when she stayed on the stage despite being confused. She went back to what she was taught. It completely showed her confidence in the instruction. 


Everyone in the family, especially those with a background in music and performance, was impressed by the quality and professionalism of the show. It’s a testament to your leadership and the positive environment you’ve nurtured at PA5678.


All I can say is that I hope you feel an immense pride in all of this. It reminds me of when you mentioned how the performing arts have touched all of our lives. I'm also incredibly grateful that you heeded your inner calling to perform. Without that, we wouldn't have the fortune and joy of experiencing your talent and benefitting from the fruits of your labor."


"Working with Jessica has opened so many doors. I’ve done a lot of shows before working with Jessica, but unlike those other experiences, I decided to keep in contact with her. Looking back, I can’t even imagine how foolish it would’ve been not to! She has offered me many other opportunities. I was even able to do my first paid show thanks to her. Jessica works so hard is willing to fight for you  to make sure you succeed. While she often works with young performers, she has done so much for me as a young adult, applying to colleges. She has been so supportive and helpful, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with her."


"I love working with PA5678 so much!  Thank you for the opportunities you have given me.  I really appreciate it, and admire your passion and dedication!  You are the best acting/musical theatre/dance teacher I have ever had!"


"Approaches every project with a sparkling vision.  Exceptionally well-organized, often planning themes well before anything begins.  Highly collaborative, and enthusiastic, bringing life to the stage by giving the performers exactly what they can handle, making them shine."


"I’m so grateful for all you have given me. You are the reason I perform and the reason why I am confident in myself. I do not think I could have become who I am today without knowing you believed in me! 

I cannot thank you enough for the happiness I have coming to dance class and being with my favorite people in the world.   This program has given me so much. I will certainly be back next year and the year after that to watch the everyone grow into the tremendous performers that you help them to become. You have inspired so many kids, especially me. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. "


"Thank you for everything you have done for me these past 2 years.  PA5678 is really the place I built self confidence, and you're such an inspiring person to me.  Thank you again!"


"I wanted to take a moment for to say thank you so much for everything you’ve done for her this year.  You welcomed her into your studio with open arms, worked with her over the summer with tap, and molded her into an amazing, confident performer! I don’t remember seeing a smile so big on stage- it brought me to tears. 


She has always loved dance but I don’t think she found her dance family until she started with you. She is so excited to start up next year, help the younger kids and learn more from you. She is even thinking of doing another class! 


Again- thank you so much. The show was amazing!"


"It's that time of year again!!! (Recital time!) The hard work and dedication of these kids and the teachers culminating into a spectacular show... Performing Arts 5678 outdid itself again!"


"I know how hard you and your students work and it showed, once again, at the recital on Saturday! Wonderful performance! You bring out the talent in your students; you are wonderful and professional and your students reflect your outstanding teaching.

This was her 9th recital and she absolutely loves your dance classes; We talked about it and she wants to continue as long as she is able to take lessons from you. I see how it has given her confidence to try new classes, as she did this year with the musical theater class. She truly loves dancing and I want to thank you for giving her the opportunity to dance by offering and teaching so professionally.

Thank you again and I look forward to Magali performing next year in her 10th recital!"




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